Are Digital Devices Affecting Your Eye Health?

Have you ever considered how we managed our daily lives before having tablets or smartphones? These electronic devices, including laptops, command our attention during work, relaxation, and play. A study released by Deloitte found that Americans collectively check their smartphones upwards of 8 billion times per day. According to Deloitte, Americans across all age groups check… Read More

September is Healthy Aging Month

September is Healthy Aging Month, which is the perfect time to share information about your eye health. As we age, we become wiser, and our health becomes more important. There is much appreciation for the improvements in medicine; we live longer lives now. As such, it is even more critical than ever before to develop… Read More

Seeing Clearly and Driving Safely

Your eyesight is considered the most important of your five senses, so taking good care of your eyes is critical. Good eye health is vital for safe driving, and even a slight adjustment in your eyesight affects how well you can see objects in the distance. What Are the Visual Functions Necessary for Driving? The… Read More

Your Eyes As You Age: What To Know

Beginning in the early to mid-40s, many adults may start to have issues seeing clearly, especially when reading and working on a digital device. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, adults develop this typical problem between 41 to 60. This average change in the eye’s focusing ability, called presbyopia, will continue to progress over… Read More

What Are The Makings of the Human Eye?

Did you know that the human eye is a marvelous engineering feature? The human eye is one complex organ we should not take for granted. The miracle of seeing the beautiful world around you is the greatest gift we have as individuals. The uniqueness of these mysterious organs is why eyes make all magical experiences… Read More

What To Know About Color Blindness

Color blindness happens when you cannot see colors correctly, also known as color deficiency. Color blindness occurs when someone is unable to distinguish between specific colors. Color Blindness usually happens between greens and reds and occasionally blues. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, two types of cells detect light in the retina. The Rods detect… Read More

Why Are Eyebrows and Eyelashes Important?

Isn’t it interesting that a study completed by MIT stated that it would be hard to recognize you if you did not have your eyebrows!? Our eyebrows and eyelashes frame our faces, but they don’t just exist for our beauty. They also serve as protection, help us express emotion, and are our eye’s first line… Read More

What You Need To Know About Retinal Detachment

What Is a Detached Retina? According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a detached retina is when the retina lifts away from the back of the eye like wallpaper peeling off the wall. What Causes a Detached Retina? Many things can cause a detached retina, and your eye doctor can inform you if you are more… Read More

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